
some reflections for your perusal, unravelling challenges navigated by us all

JUNE 2023

Vaping has become a subject no school has been able to avoid. Widespread use amongst young people and a the discovery that they contain  dangerous levels of harmful substances, this bi-product of the anti-smoking policy now requires a holistic response.

MARCH 2023

The duty on schools and colleges to  deal with online and real-life harms has led to some horror stories recently. There is a need to set distinct parameters when designing a curriculum that addresses controversy without being entangled by it.


Prevent and the recently published Shawcross Report into the counter-terrorism strategy, are not short of their detractors. Yet they play a crucial part in keeping us all safe. In this piece, we examine balancing the duty to promote trust with an unflinching commitment to improvement.


The story at Epsom College is harrowing and horrific. Sadly, dealing with some forms of grief in schools is all too common.  In this piece, we touch on some of the reasons why a single response to community trauma is impossible.


A silly ditty to celebrate the efforts of educators and to mark the establishment of VERVE Education